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Club Management

As well as our staff members, it takes many more people to manage and run a club like ours.  Here are some of them.  

Management Council Members

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Gillian Nokes


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Alan Hall

Maintenance Director

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Ian Finch

Company Secretary

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Christopher Cornelius

Social Director

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Eddie Armario

Bowls Director

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David Wyatt

Finance Director

Club President


Judy Deane

Club President

Bowls Committee Members

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Eddie Armario

Bowls Chairman


Rosa Armanio

Membership Secretary

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Colin Kippin

Men's Vice Captain

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Tina Finch

Lead Coach

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Scott Gailer

Bowls Secretary


Judy Deane 

Match Secretary

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Hazel Hawsworth

Ladies Vice Captain

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Jeff Ferris

League Secretary

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Brian Hyland

Men's Captain

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Denis Sheldrake

Men's County Delegate

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John Granger

Competitions Secretary

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Jasmine Paveley

Ladies Captain

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Linda Pugh

Ladies County delegate

Coaching Team

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Tina Finch

Lead Coach. 
Level two coach.

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Scott Gailer


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Brian Hyland

Level one coach ?

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Ken Smith


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Alan Deacon


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Ray Clark


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John Bevan


Qualified Umpires

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Ian Finch

National Umpire

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Jasmine Paveley

Regional Umpire

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Alan Deacon

Regional Umpire

Qualified Markers

Eddie Armario

Rosa Armario

Di Arnold

John Bevan

Ray Clark

Chris Cornelius

Ian Finch

Tina Finch

Scott Gailer

Alan Gibbs

Irene Henley

Brian Hyland

Jennifer Hyland

Colin Kippin

Pam Lacey

David Lagden

Gill Nokes

Peter Nokes

Linda Pugh

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